
Golden railroad spike
Golden railroad spike

golden railroad spike

"We want our children and the world to know that this country - with the help of thousands of immigrants - accomplished the seemingly impossible. "Spike 150 is about leaving a legacy," said Congressman Bishop. “Today, as we celebrate the 150th anniversary of the driving of the Golden Spike that connected our entire country, we also celebrate the limitless American imagination, spirit of ingenuity, and industry that made this incredible project a success.” “The Transcontinental Railroad was one of the most extraordinary engineering accomplishments of the 19th century, and it revolutionized transportation, culture, and the economy in Utah and throughout the nation,” said Senator Romney. Thanks to the innovation and perseverance of many different people working together, the driving of the golden spike made the United States truly unified, altering the course of history in Utah, our nation, and ultimately the entire world." "When the Golden Spike was driven to join the rails of the First Continental Railroad at Promontory Summit, it bore this inscription: 'May God continue the unity of our Country, as this Railroad unites the two great Oceans of the world,'” said Senator Lee. “I hope remembering the accomplishment of those who built the Transcontinental Railroad will remind us that we can accomplish miraculous things when we come together from diverse backgrounds and experiences and work side-by-side, sunup-to-sundown, with the spirit of cooperation,” said Governor Herbert. “The transcontinental railroad was a tremendous feat of engineering, innovation and manpower that was key to the economic development of the United States, and today, we pay special tribute to the diverse workforce-especially 12,000 or more Chinese laborers- that built this seminal infrastructure project that transformed America,” said Secretary Chao. I am especially grateful for Congressman Bishop's work in elevating this site to be a National Historical Park for all to visit, learn and enjoy.”

golden railroad spike

“Today's incredible events wouldn't have been possible without the exceptional leadership of Spike 150, the great people of Utah, Congressman Bishop, and the rest of the Utah delegation. “The construction of the transcontinental railroad should remind us of the greatness we can achieve as a country when we are united around a common goal and purpose,” said Secretary Bernhardt.

golden railroad spike

Senators Mike Lee (R-UT) and Mitt Romney (R-UT), Congressman Rob Bishop (UT-01), and thousands of park visitors joined Secretary Bernhardt at today’s commemoration. Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao, Utah Governor Gary Herbert, U.S. Secretary of the Interior David Bernhardt celebrated the 150th anniversary of the completion of the first Transcontinental Railroad at the Golden Spike National Historical Park. Contact: Secretary Bernhardt Celebrates 150th Anniversary of Golden SpikeīRIGHAM CITY, Utah – Today, U.S.

Golden railroad spike